
2009-02-23 初中作文指导 阅读:

        The 24th World University Winter Games, the Chinese delegation in the afternoon on the 12th held in Harbin

was formally established. Wang Meng"s short track speed skating, freestyle skiing aerials champion Han Xiaopeng,

speed skating champion Wang Beixing

absent due to injuries and other reasons.

       This winter will be a total of big mountain skiing, cross-country skiing, speed skating, short track speed skating and other 12 major Xiao Xiang 82, in which the ice sports will be held in Harbin city, snow sports will be in Yabuli Ski and held Maoershan. As the host country,

China will send a 359-member the history of the largest delegation, including 193 athletes,

they will take part in queue in addition to slip this little ice in addition to all projects,

regardless of team size or the number of entries exceed all previous ones.






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