great wall|Great writer_伟大的作家作文250字

2018-01-19 初中作文指导 阅读:

Books are like sunshine ,they give us warmth,books are also like trees,the more they grow up ,the more they will be stronger.

I like to read science fcience very much,for example The chlidren of Captain Grant. I read this book when i have free time,and i couldn't put it down,because it so wonderful. The book recorded by Fan Erna,the first line in the book is in 1864 July twenty-sixth,a big ship travel the sea between the Northern Ireland Scotland,they show us a amazing enveroment ,and tell us two children try their best to found their last father.Finally,they enjoyed success in found their father. I think it is a successful book.Because the book makes me feel very relaxed and let me know nothing is impossible ,if you try to do that and never give up.And i also think the writer is so great.

Read this book,i always feel the writer is leading me to go to a different word,sometimes he gives us some surprises.


great wall|Great writer_伟大的作家作文250字

推荐访问:greater greatly greatful greatest函数



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