[恒昌财富]He mid-term exam_期中考试英语作文70字

2014-12-25 中考作文指导 阅读:

He mid-term exam_期中考试英语作文70字

Today, I saw the notice on the blackboard under the school, this week Saturday for the mid-term examination. Mother wants me to Chinese more than 90 points in the mid-term exam, math more than 95 points, I was very nervous. Because only three days, so I want to read quickly review unit of one to four in the morning. Because I must surpass mother request!

[恒昌财富]He mid-term exam_期中考试英语作文70字


推荐访问:恒昌 河洛群侠传 恒昌汇财 合肥天气 盒马鲜生 合同法 合肥 黑镜



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