
2011-04-17 小学手抄报 阅读:

Spend the New Year

In the morning, I by " the bang in Pi " cracker sound slept lightly. Oh! Spent the New Year today so, at this moment, there is inarticulate in my heart glad.

After rising, hasten put on the dress to get out of bed, sneak away hurriedly sitting room, take out the firework that bought yesterday, take out " towering artillery piece " , insert in Xue Li, ignite with lighter draw front line, chi -- Chi -- bring live wire to be ignited, listen to bleat only, towering artillery piece develops a sky continuously, next of bang, towering artillery piece exploded, then I took mice of a ground again, after igniting, ground mice is like a flower to be in open, be like a lively mice to be in again amuse oneself.

Should have a group year meal, the ground of add of dish land add of gush of gush of a dish of incense coil appears before me, a dish more delicious than a dish, I am greedy dc saliva, then, I placed a shrimp roe and a meat, fill in in past mouth entirely, who knows, go down, was forced to spit, next, I again also not dare voracious, it is to nibble slow pharynx only, not a little while I am satiate meal, the firecracker that continues to play me again...

Pass really happily today! I like to spend the New Year.



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