
2010-11-01 小学一年级作文 阅读:


Southwest drought is China"s southwestern Yunnan Province caused a great deal of influence, this time of drought also launched our enormous human and material support. I saw their side of the area, the land above, stiff like a piece of the puzzle pieces to separate the same. One by one people are left to rely on water to maintain life. There are some places to have no remaining water, mud on the ground will be looking to drink, and temporary life support. In the absence of water support, most of the crops have withered, and people do not eat rice and vegetables, can barely eat the remaining vegetables to the ground for more than fill their stomachs.
      Looking at these pictures, reports and written materials, my heart is really tremendous pain. We always think that water is renewable resource, often without use of waste water. But people do not know, there are many recycled water is already contaminated, have been unable to use by people. And determined to pull out all my Rare and water, do their best to not let water in to be destroyed.
      I think that we are all Chinese, a difficult one, P Plus support should be. Although I can not go further to do human work, but I can give a little to their economic resources, although the money is a small, but it can be considered a token of my ah. I"m past the arid southwest to the end quickly so that people in the area southwest of a happy early days.



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