
2010-10-24 小学一年级作文 阅读:


"A beautiful woman in the book, book, house of gold", the ancients used this effort to motivate their children to school. Be for me, born Aikan Shu.

However, I have a full "Little Bookworm," no matter what book, I love to read, often saw no stopping, and this gives me a lot of trouble.

I remember one time, I am, "Smith magic bell" This book is very fascinating, since the purchase came back at night to see during the day also used the time to read all the rest. Gradually, the first pass reading, and reading the second time, and for the third time ...... ...... fourth times this book pretty soon, I turned bad, and I almost back out, is still immersed in the "magic" in. May be short-lived, one day, I read up early in the morning, this thought will not be found, but the mother to the toilet, just caught a "current." Hey, really unlucky!

On another occasion, the students lent me a book, and I on Saturday, Sunday to go to a birthday dinner for a family Liuhe, secretly gave the book to bring. One to the hotel, my focus will shift in a book, sitting in a chair watching, ears heard some noise completely ignored. After a good while, until the mother say no to throw down the book before I reluctantly put down the book. You say that I am not a "little bookworm"?

Zang Kejia grandfather said: reading a good book, like paid a good friends. That, in turn, reading bad books, that is, to degrade the time, so do not look meaningless book Oh!



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