
2010-10-04 小学三年级作文 阅读:



(   )1 A.uncle  B. aunt      C. bird      D.. brother

(   )2 A. bird     B. butterfly   C. dragonfly  D. ruler

(   )3 A. rainy     B. hot       C. snowy      D. windy

(   )4 A. teacher    B. farmer    C. red         D. worker

(   )5 A. coat      B. dress     C. skirt      D. umbrella


1.What do we need ?                 2. Make a word.

hungry        have a rest           black        man

tired          eat a cake           home         room                 

dirty          drink water          bath         paper   

cold          take a shower        English       work   

thirsty         wear a sweater        news        board



   2. April------

   3.  June ------

   4. September ----

   5. old -----


   Eg: read---reading go---goes   short---shorter pen---pens

   run---        watch---      long---        sheep---

   Do---        have---       fat---          man---

   Make---      fly---        nice---         box---


 1.(   ) Is the room big     small?

       A. and    B. or    C./    D. and or

 2.(   )Who’s that boy? He’s     .

 A. my brother B. twelve C. young  D. over there

 3.(   )The teacher is      mother.

       A.Mary    B.Marys    C.She’s    D.Mary’s

 4.(   )We get up     six thirty ____ the morning.

 A.to   in    B.at  in  C.in  in     D.in  at

 5.(   ) How many ____ are there on the table?

         A.tomato B.tomatoes   C.tomatos  D.tomatose

 6.(   )Open the door ____ your eyes closed.

         A.on     B.in     C.with     D.for

 7.(   )Look____ the blackboard,please.

 A.on     B.in     C.at     D.to

 8.(   )My hobby is flying a kite. What’s_____?

 A.you     B.your     C.yours     D.you’s

 9.(   )What grade are you in? I’m in____grade.

       A. six     B. sixth    C. the sixth   D. the six

 10.(   )I’m _____ than you are.                        

        A. tall B. tallest   C. taller  D. the tallest

11.(   )My friend is good at _____.

       A. sing  B. to sing  C. to singing D. singing

12.(   )I’m interested______ calculating.

        A. in     B. on     C of     D. for

13.(   )_____is the weather like today? It’s sunny.

A. What     B. How     C. How’s     D. What’s

14.(   )Oh ,it’s time_____lunch. Let’s go.

        A. to     B. of     C. for     D. on

15.(   )______people are there in your family? There are three.

A. How old B .How tall C. How much D. How  many

 16.(   )How_____ is your father ? He is 157cm tall.

        A. long      B. tall    C. much     D. many

 17. (   )The sun is ____than the earth.

        A. smaller    B. small    C. bigger    D. big

18. (   )___________,where is the post office?

    A.Excuse me B. Sorry   C. Oh       D.Good morning

 19.(   ) How to say “10:15” ?A. ten past fifteen B.fifteen ten C.ten a quarter D.a quarter past ten

 20. (   ) My friend is as _____as I .

    A. thin        B. thiner    C. thinner    D. thinnest


1.    A: What are you going to do?

B: I’m  going  to ( doing  do ) my  homework.

2.    A: Whose  pencil  is  this ?

B: It’s  (mine/ he).

3.              A: Does your brother often play football?

B: No ,he often (go goes)to see movies.

4. A: What’s she doing?

B: She is (listening listen) to music.

5. My aunt’s daughter is my (sister  cousin)

6.  (Which What ) boy is fatter, Jim or Tom?

7. The rabbit is (taller  quicker ) than the panda.

8.  (Are Do ) you  have  a  camera?

9. How many (people peoples) can you see?

     I  can see three.

10.   It’s going to (rain rainy),that’s too bad.


1.Spring  Festival   Christmas Day    Teacher’s  Day

  ___________      ___________      ___________

      Mother’s day       Children’s   Day

       ___________        ____________

2.       Dinner is on me. ____________________

Every success to you. ___________________

       Dream  is  the sun of the life. _____________________


1、(    )你问小明几点起床,小明可以回答说:

A. I get up at 7 o’clock.

B. I get up in 7 o’clock.

C. He gets up at 7 o’clock.

2、(    )小红问小东今天天气怎么样,她会这样问的:

A. What day is it today?

B. How’s the weather today?

C. What’s your name?

3、(    )Peter回答Mary, “My English teacher is Miss Wu”


A. Who’s your English teacher?

B. Who’s your Chinese teacher?

C.Who’s that boy?

4、(    )Lisa问Tom, 你在几年级,   Tom回答说:

A. I’m in the  5 th  grade..

B. I’m in the 5 th class.

C. I’m seven.

5、(    )李明想问赵梅几点了,他可以说:

A. What time is it ?

B. Where’s the box?

C. What  is  it?


1.    wearing he is What ? [文章来源于 www.99ZuoWen.Com]


2.   brother  find I    can’t .


3.    going  Where  are you ?


4.    My beautiful  bedroom   is.


5.    your   Is   sister   or   fat  thin ?


六 、根据实际情况回答下列问题。(5分)

 1、How many people are there in your family ?


 2. How is the weather today ?


3. What’s your favourite subject?

4. Is your father a teacher ?

5 .Which is bigger , the tiger or the cat ?

二、下列A. B 题,任选一题。


Today is Sunday .My father ,my mother ,my puppy and I are staying at home. My father is watching TV in the living room. My mother is cooking in the kitchen noisily. My puppy is sleeping in the balcony quietly.I am drawing pictures in my room.We are happy.

1)What day is today?


2) What is father doing?


3) Where is mum?


4) Is the puppy noisy or quiet?


5)Are they happy?



Usually, my mother   1    up early ,she   2  breakfast 3 me.   I   4    breakfast at home. And then  5   to school at eight o’clock. I   6   hard all  the day. In the afternoon, I  7  

home at 5:00 .Then 8  my homework . I   9    watch

 TV.  I  usually 10 to bed at 10:30.

1.  (     )   A. get      B. gets        C.  getting

2   (     )   A. has      B. have        C.  having

3.   (     )   A. to      B. on          C.   for  

4.   (     )  A. have    B. has           C. to have  

5.   (     )  A. go      B.  goes        C.  to go  

6.   (     )   A. working   B. work       C.  works

7.   (     )  A. go      B went        C.  go to

8.   (     )  A .  do     B. to do       C. doing

9.   (     )  A. not     B. don’t        C. am not

10. (     )   A.  go    B. goes    C. going

四、 小作文(8分)

请以“My family” 为题,写一篇小作文,可以





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