
2010-10-01 小学三年级作文 阅读:


Today, the sky cloudless, the sun shining on the earth. My family came from the waves of cheers. Today is my mother"s birthday.

    We are surrounded by mother, gave her mother a birthday gift copies. I sat on the stool a daze. Well, what I send birthday gift to the mother? I am still do not want to come out. At this time, my eyes fixed on it filled with dirty clothes in the laundry basin. By the way, I helped my mother wash clothes, so that my mother had a more relaxed and happy birthday. Here I thought quickly put dirty clothes into the water soak, and then moved to a small bench, puts on a small mouth got the right stuff. While I am pleased, when a moment"s inattention and feet are a thing stumbled a bit, down a big somersault. It turned out that was a big rock trip kicked me. My legs immediately out of the red blood, but I did not say anything for fear of my mother to know. I endured the pain brought, like pins and needles like a detergent and rubbing clothing board, I started to wash clothes since.

    I added a point in the bowls of water, detergent, and then exert oneself in the clothes rub a rub a rub. Why, bowls of water, there are so many different sizes of bubbles. In the sun shine, the bubble has shown that in several colors, beautiful, like rainbow reflection in bubbles inside. I put it in the hands of a wind blowing, bubbles on the fly the sky. At this time, I realized the joy of labor. After more than an hour, I finally put the clothes washing.

    Mom knew this, am glad to tell you that: "Today my daughter sent me a copy of the best birthday gift."



    我在盆里加了点洗衣粉,然后再用劲地把衣服揉一揉搓一搓。咦,盆里出现  了那么多大小不同的泡泡。在阳光的映照下,那泡泡呈现出几种颜色,漂亮极了,好像彩虹倒映在泡泡里。我把它放在手里吹一吹,泡泡就飞上了天空。这时,我才体会到劳动中的快乐。经过一个多小时,我终于把衣服洗完了。




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