
2010-09-28 小学四年级作文 阅读:


December 31 is New Year"s Day celebration in our school open day, and we happily went to school.

Into the classroom, the first Indian into my eyes is that both the TV and lamp hung colorful ribbons, the windows close to the colorful balloons. School playground is also wearing ribbons, flags stuck in ... ...

Celebration began, first of all is our math teacher dressed as Santa Claus look like to the podium to us fortunate to paper airplane flying, and then Miaomiao a small team to join the Young Pioneers of the ceremony, students, and finally the image of Kentucky spokesman for odd-odd students with school jump rhythmic gymnastics, the students were all smile.

Peony activities began, and I came to the second grade class to participate in "pasting the nose" game, I saw some students were posted to the previous, some students were posted to the ear, as well as students posted to the wall, next to the amused the students laughed. My turn, and the teacher first with Bumeng live my eyes, then I switch to a few times, I turn too confusing, do not get anything East and West, I carefully took the stage, thinking: "If the wrong paste the students will laugh at me, forget, just-do, bite the bullet and paste bar! "I"m just a paste, just listen hearty rounds of applause came behind me and I quickly saw, the location just Good, impartial distortion. I triumphantly walked out of the second group of classrooms.



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