
2010-06-22 小学五年级作文 阅读:

 60祖国在我心中作文   祖国在我心中作文   China is a long history, after vicissitudes of the ancient civilization. Although China has a long history, but in everyone"s minds there is a Unforgettable experience. Sino-Japanese War, Humenxiaoyan, nine. 18, 7. 7 Incident, more vivid. But the history of our country are also brighter side.

Chinese characters invented in ancient China. A long time ago, the ancients would not write, notes, someone came up with knots notebook law, but too much trouble. There is a person named Cang Jie invented the Oracle.

In China"s cultural history, to those poets, writers are indispensable. Wen Tianxiang"s "Guo Ling Ding Yang" is the eternal Jueju; Meng Jiao"s "zi yin," extolling the great mother; Li Bai"s "Jingyesi" expressed his feelings of homesickness. There are those well-known writer. Sima Qian"s "Shi Ji" is Lu Xun, known as the "historian never occur again, no rhyme"s Lament"; Sun Wu"s "The Art of War" is a gem of the classical cultural heritage; Confucius wrote, "The Book of Rites" is an important part of ancient China institutions is the book.

China"s great rivers and mountains are beautiful. The Great Wall is an ancient Chinese people"s pride, the Great Wall length of 6330 kilometers in space, and with the naked eye is clear at a glance. Everest 1000 meters up to 8444.43; Nam Co is the world"s highest saltwater lake, up to 4718 meters above sea level; Tsangpo Grand Canyon is the world"s first Grand Canyon, 6009 meters deep ......

Let us bear in mind the tragic history this in mind, to create a better future, so that country get richer! Let us take action bar!



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