
2010-06-21 小学六年级作文 阅读:

二十年后回故乡作文 二十年后回故乡的作文

Ah! Ah really miss my hometown. I have not been back two decades, and do not know what I"s childhood friend, is still not there!
A season in the morning, I finally boarded a plane to fly home, and along the way, my reverie with, hometown may be changes in the way mused ... ...
Come, come, I stepped off the plane, the vast airport really spectacular out of the airport, the waves of warm air blowing in the face, I think greed is being affected by this autumn"s light, not willing to go by car, decided to walk around to see long-lost hometown.
Hometown really has a new look, and the little cottage invisible, high-rise buildings are going up; narrow dirt roads have been replaced by spacious; a busy road, whistling sound seems to tell us that home no longer That is not a former marina land side, the car is not that this is a rare item. Shops abound on both sides. Glass floor behind them the assortment of goods, people see dazzled. I Zouliaohenjiu long time, and a tour of many places in my heart has been feeling: "change the side, changed, hometown become rich, become more attractive in!"
Twenty years back to hometown, hometown of the economy changed, the scenery changed, but the same is the hometown of the man, as well as attachment to my hometown ... ...



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