
2010-03-10 小学二年级作文 阅读:


There is the creek that a the four seasons often sheds before my door, it was brought to us a lot of joy and convenient, we can like it. Spring, the willow of brook edge sprouted, peach blossom is red, these beautiful scenery dress up this brook beautifully, transient person cannot help stopping see much eye. Summer, this brook became the child"s paradise, natant swim, make the fight hitting water of water battle, extremely happy. Some girls still are picking the wild flower of brook edge, halcyon summer and move a vibrant picture, really extremely beautiful. The autumn, the fruiter result of brook edge, people is picking fruit, it is the picture of a bumper harvest really. In the winter, brook froze, children are in ice skate, the winter that their mirth is hush is not doleful. I love you, brook!



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