微信公开课|《We Love Animals》说课稿(教案)

2009-12-09 小学一年级作文 阅读:

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本课是小学英语PEP第一册第四单元第二课时,主要内容是:Let’s learn, let’s do.
根据这一主要内容,我确定了本课的目标如下所示,重点为单词:monkey, duck, panda, cat, rabbit, dog 和句子:Act like a monkey….依据内容我采用了听、说、学和做的四步
Teaching aims and demands:
1.Knowledge :Students can learn the words about animals as followings:
dog duck cat monkey panda rabbit.
2.Ability :Students can understand and do the actions: Act like a cat / duck / panda / monkey / rabbit / dog .
3. Feeling: can love the animals and protect the animals.
Main Points:
Students can learn the six words: dog duck cat monkey panda rabbit .
Difficult Points:
1.Students can point and say out the six animals .
2.Students can pronounce “ panda rabbit act like" correctly .
Teaching aids:
Tape ,tape-recorder, six animal pictures, cards, six toy animals, six kinds of exercise papers.cards .
Teaching Methods: The Principle of the situation; Total Physical Response.
Teaching Periods: One
V: Teaching steps:教学过程
1. Warm-up (热身)Organize teaching组织教学. Sing a song.
T: Nice to meet you.
Ss: Nice to meet you ,too.
T: Today we’ll study the new lesson. At first, we’ll sing a song together, ok?
Ss: Ok.
T: Let’s sing.
2.Into new lesson导入新课:The teacher says: This is Zoom. Today is Zoom ’s birthday. Some animals are going to take part in his party. Listen and look, please.
3. Presentation新课展现 :show a forest on the cream. Listen who is coming? Learn the words
设计意图:通过课件,为学生创设一个森林中动物去赴宴的前景,一个个小动物出现,把学生带入一个生动的画面中,激发学生的学习兴趣,为let’s learn中单词的学习和动画的出现做了铺垫。
4.Let’s learn.学
1) Show out the animals: 用图片出示小动物

微信公开课|《We Love Animals》说课稿(教案)


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