[w3school]school rules_关于校园的英语作文150字

2016-03-24 小学一年级作文 阅读:

school rules_关于校园的英语作文150字

we have rules to follow at school.

rules tell us what to do and what not to do.

some rules help us get along with one another.

some rules help us stay safe.

you should follow the rules in the classroon.

be quiet in the classroon.

raise your hand before speaking.

you should not yell or run in the classroom.

youshould not hit or fight each other.

do not run in the hallways.

play ball outside on the playground.

listen to your teacher and obey them.

show respect to your teachers.

teachers teach us and help us follow the rules.

following the rules makes the school a better place.

[w3school]school rules_关于校园的英语作文150字





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