【eaton】Eat the melon_吃香瓜英语作文70字

2014-07-14 小学一年级作文 阅读:

Eat the melon_吃香瓜英语作文70字

Today, I learned piano back, mother gave me to eat melons. I said: "I can only eat half." Mother said: "that was cut in half!" I say: "good." Mother will give me cut half a melon, later, I ate ate, found some of which are yellow melon, I asked my mom is going on? Mother said: "that's because the ripe, it doesn't matter." I understand the meaning of the mother, the melon all finished, today, I've really had a good time!

【eaton】Eat the melon_吃香瓜英语作文70字


推荐访问:eataly eat的过去式 earth eat的过去式和过去分词



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