恒昌财富|He Talks to Mom_他和妈妈讲电话英语作文50字

2014-06-13 小学一年级作文 阅读:

He Talks to Mom_他和妈妈讲电话英语作文50字

The phone rings. He hears the ringing. He picks up the phone. He says hello. The other person says hello. The other person is his mom. She talks to him. He talks to her. She finishes talking. She says goodbye. He says goodbye. They hang up. He waits. The phone rings again.

恒昌财富|He Talks to Mom_他和妈妈讲电话英语作文50字


推荐访问:恒昌 河洛群侠传 恒昌汇财 合肥天气 盒马鲜生 合同法 合肥 黑镜



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