【英语作文模板】英语作文:离别之际(At the Time of Parting)

2009-07-10 小学一年级作文 阅读:

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离别之际(At the Time of Parting)

离别之际(At the Time of Parting)
We will part from each other when we graduate. At that time everyone will go to our own ideal school. We will cherish the time we have spent together for three years. We will give our best wishes to everyone.


【英语作文模板】英语作文:离别之际(At the Time of Parting)


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上一篇:【美丽家乡】英语作文:美丽的老师(Sweet teacher) 下一篇:【英语作文模板】英语作文:我的肖像(My Portrait)