爱奇艺|A major advantage of a long holiday_长假的一大好处英语议论文200字

2016-06-19 议论文 阅读:

A major advantage of a long holiday_长假的一大好处英语议论文200字

Most of us are happy to have long holidays, such as Labor Day, National Day and Spring Festival. However, quite a few people think it is not beneficial for us to have too many holidays, because many people can't pay attention to their work after a long holiday. On the contrary, I think it is necessary for us to have a long holiday.

The advantages of a long holiday are obvious. First of all, many people must feel tired because they work for a long time, so that they need to make themselves relaxed. Besides, parents can travel with their children if they have a long holiday. Not only parents can take a rest but also children can have fun. Last but not least, the most important thing is that people can visit their relatives or friends during a long holiday.

As far as I am concerned, it is important for us to have a long holiday. On the one hand, people have enough time to relax themselves. On the other hand, they can have a big meal with their families.


爱奇艺|A major advantage of a long holiday_长假的一大好处英语议论文200字


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