
2010-10-16 高中日记 阅读:


Today, the teacher walked front of the podium, said firmly: "Tomorrow on the holiday, I hope everyone had a happy holiday, good, now we pick up a good thing to go!"
     I ran out fast in along the way, I thought to myself: Back home, what things? Paint? Dance? To find friends to play? To eat delicious things? Television? ... ... However, I do not think homework in my brain are all playing, eating these things.
     Back home, I hastened to pick up the phone, call my friend Han telephone: "Han ah, I was dutifully ah, you are now to my home, Wan Ba!" Han replied: "Well, Well. "I play with her for a whole day to the 1:30 she go bed I would sleep in the morning, I sleep in bed until 11:30.
     Get up, I picked up the pen and began painting is. A total of painting to 2:00. Next, I opened my food cabinets, which are: prawn, natural crisps, Dove chocolate, lollipops, jelly ... ... I took a packet of crisps and 10 of natural jelly to come to front of the TV , turn on the TV: "Ah, my favorite animated film," Legend of Nezha "." I saw the 5:30 has been 2:00. "Mom, I am going to fish fragrant eggplant Dragon." "Yes, I know." Then, we ate a meal be properly on the home.
     Today morning, I looked at the date: "ah, it has been 15 days, and I should write a little work." I took out my work, picked up the pen, to write up, only 2 minutes to write, I have trouble , and said to himself: "ah ah, a job I saw a headache, there is half the time anyway, after write too late."
     Since then, I do not do their homework, and playing every day until the last day.
     "Ah, not think so! Is March 5. I have not written a single word operations it!" I started running around in circles up and left to write about, right to write about, and ultimately did not finish, they fell asleep.
     School of that day, I came to school, the teacher a harsh verbally. On the way home, I thought to myself: the future is no longer the case. I am crestfallen's home.






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