[music radio]Music in my life_生活中的音乐高中英语作文

2015-02-03 高中日记 阅读:

Music in my life_生活中的音乐高中英语作文

In my opinion,music is a magical tool which raises me up when I am down and helps me find the bright side of life.Now let me tell you music in my life.

My daily life is as usual as others.So sometimes I feel bored .When I feel bored,I often listen to music to enjoy how beautiful the life is!And it is the best way to pastime.By doing that,it would be a useful idea to practise my languages.I often busy doing my homeeork,and I usually have trouble in it,when this time,I often listen the music to help me relaxed.

Music plays an important part in my daily life,isn't it?


[music radio]Music in my life_生活中的音乐高中英语作文


推荐访问:musictools musical music算法 慕思城



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