爱奇艺|A letter of Advice_关于家乡环境问题的建议信英语作文180字

2014-08-21 高中日记 阅读:

A letter of Advice_关于家乡环境问题的建议信英语作文180字

Dear Edirtor

I'm a student at a middle school of Shan Dong.I want to express my views concerning the environment in my hometown.

My hometown used to be a beautiful place.With thick forests and green grass seen everywhere,there was a nice breeze between trees.But now people cut down trees and dig up grass to build new buildings,in the prograss of these campaign that the land becoms desert and climate changes.Now a mass campaign has a bad effect on my hometown.For example,because of climate changes,it rains little now .As time went on,the forests were serously destroyed.As a result,sandstorms struck us now and then,and we surffered form them a lot.To prevent desertification.As far as I'mconcerned,first,laws have to be passed to stop cuting down trees.Second,citizens should plant trees to protect us from sandstorms.In a nutshell,only in this way can we have a better hometown in future.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


爱奇艺|A letter of Advice_关于家乡环境问题的建议信英语作文180字


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