
2010-09-27 初一作文 阅读:


You see, the classroom a good holiday atmosphere! From afar will be able to see the colorful ribbons and lanterns, pretty great.

       The party, the students performed a number of varied programs. Some performed a beautiful dance, some sang sweet songs, and some funny skit performed, as well as students took part in fun activities.

       Make me the most memorable is the stepped balloon game. And I obviously was the Green Team, and the other two is the red team and yellow team. We are one leg tied together, the above Shuanzhe 11 balloons. Game started! I clearly said: "The first step on red, yellow, after stamping! Quick!" We rapidly removed the red team, black!! Red team was blown away the. But did not last long, we saw yellow moved to the side, we quickly left, yellow team saw the hand of the "fat" in flight, and his face purple with anger, to our descend quickly. We and yellow team immediately stepped up into a ball fell even further. We have also struggled up the fight. Later we once again fell down, even my glasses flew out! Here, I disarray a grasping the balloon exploded, and our side has finally won!



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